Learn from Life as we Live it

Live in Style

First of all, I am grateful to all of you who are reading my posts and encouraging me by liking it. Thanks a tonne!

My experience in life has taught me that this very moment we live is all by God’s grace. I am grateful for that. Every moment should be spent wisely, taking into account all the experiences in life. Being a mother, I realize that my duty is upbringing her well. Being a mother, I want to be a role model for her. Want her to see me now, the way I would want to see her when she is my age.

My experiences teach me to:

  1. Learn to balance work and personal life. One needs to give all attention to kids at home.
  2. Being a working mother, I need to understand the importance of FOCUS and PRIORITIZATION of tasks. Allocate time and prioritize office tasks to stick…

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Published by Sudha

Hey there, I am Sudha Karuppiah, an enthusiastic Blogger with focus on learning and teaching the ones who would like to sail with me in this journey called, “finding the Genius self” within oneself. Qualifications? I have earned my MBA degree in Finance and Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology from reputed top 10 institutions in India. I believe spending time judiciously on learning is very important as Time once lost can never come back. This very moment is equally precious as any other moment in life, so why not spend it well! What do I have to offer? I offer to teach any concept which I learn in simple Layman’s terms. The languages I am well conversant are English, Hindi and Tamil. What I expect from you is your interest in exploring the topic you want to learn. We are all learners as life has a lot to teach in its own way to each one of us ! Thanks for your time! Take care. ~ Sudha ~

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